February 11, 2021 Iron Sources Foods Rich in Iron Well absorbed Iron Sources (haem iron)Trim lamb grilled125 grams6.8Pate Chicken Liver60 grams5.3Lean Beef Mince125 grams4.3Lean Beef Sirloin125 grams3.9Pork leg Steak125 grams1.5Salmon Canned125 grams1.5Chicken Breast Skinless125 grams0.9Bream125 grams0.6Includes Sardines, Kidneys and Tuna Less well absorbed Iron sources(non-haem iron) best consumed with a food high in Vitamin CWhole wheat breakfast biscuits2 Biscuits3.0English Spinach cooked½ cup3.0Muesli Natural½ cup2.3Baked Beans½ cup2.2Milo1 tbsp1.7Egg boiled1 whole1.1Brown Rice Boiled1 cup0.9Wholemeal Bread1 slice0.7Dried Apricots6 halves0.7Peanut Butter1 tbsp0.5Includes Soya Beans, Broad Beans, Kidney Beans and Chick Peas