
January 26, 2023

Optimal Exercising using the Karvonen Rate

Optimal Exercising using the Karvonen Rate

….is a more individualized measurement of your current fitness level.

It more accurately measures your optimal training zones enabling you to set a more accurate training strategy and hence a better fitness outcome.


220 – Your Age – Your Resting Heart Rate

Then multiply by your selected Training Zone percentages

Finally re-add your Resting Heart Rate (RHR)

Let’s use an example.  Male 34 years old. Resting Heart rate of 80

220 -34 – 80 = 106bpm


(60% x 106) + 80 = 144bpm

(70% x 106) + 80 = 154bpm

(80% x 106) + 80 = 165bpm

(90% x 106) + 80 = 175bpm

(100% x 106) + 80 = 186bpm

Your ideal training range to decrease body fat is 144bpm to 165bpm

Your ideal training range to improve your cardio fitness is 165bpm to 186bpm

In comparison using a generic 220 minus your age times a percentage would give you the following

220-Your Age x 60% = 112

220-Your Age x 70% = 130

220-Your Age x 80% = 149

220-Your Age x 90% = 167

Resulting generic training range to decrease body fat is 112bpm to 149bpm

Resulting generic training range to improve your cardio fitness is 149bpm to 186bpm

Imagine now jumping on a treadmill or stepper that sets your goals and measures your Heart Rate using the standard generic rate of 220 – Age,

You can see from the two  figures that if you worked using the geric calculated rate, you would be exercising at a lower optimal heart rate and therefore slowing your fitness ambitions.